Nearby attractions
One of the most recognizable streets in Poland - Ulica Bohaterów Monte Cassino (Heroes of Monte Cassino Street), is only 400 meters away from the hotel. It is distinguished above all by picturesque tenement houses, boutiques, local bars pubs and restaurants on every corner. Famous Monciak remains unique at any time of the year. We highly recommend a walk to experience it!
The pier and the famous Marina
When in Sopot, to the pier! The Sopot pier is is the most recognizable one in Poland and one of the longest wooden piers in Europe, with its length of 511 m. It was built in 1827.
Currently, in the high season, the 'Pier' seaport is also a place for yachts or a passenger harbour. The marina is a unique place for connoisseurs of yachts and regattas, it also homes a sailing school for children.
The Lighthouse
An unforgettable view of the Bay and of course you can see the panorama of the whole city! It is here that tourists take the most souvenir photos. As history tells, it is not a lantern, but a chimney. In 1903, when the balneotherapy plant needed a boiler room, the designers showed creativity and constructed a chimney that was not only to be an ordinary chimney, but also an attraction for tourists.